Trust the wisdom of your Heart  


 Impermanence is a principle of harmony. When we don't struggle against it, we are in harmony with reality.
     ~ Pema Chodron


I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.
     ~ Rumi



Contact Me

 Sharon Pierce, CCHT, RMT, CMT

(916) 230-6759


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    Sharon Pierce

    Jin Shin Jyutsu
    Spiritual Counseling

    Alternative healing found me over 30 years ago and although the journey has had its twists and turns, looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. Sometimes not knowing where you'll end up is a true blessing. It allows one not to get caught in achieving the destination, but trusting the process of the journey to lead you exactly where you need to be.

    I am blessed with the gift of energy wisdom. I can read a person's energy and the energy of situations. My formal readings began in my thirties and my study of clairvoyance taught me about neutrality, compassion and the ability to stay grounded no matter what is happening.

    Through my love of reading and working with energy I studied massage therapy and was certified in 1992. Shortly after graduation, I became a partner in a massage collective in Berkeley CA., there I  soon realized that I needed additional skills to assist my clients with releasing their emotions held in the body. I found hypnotherapy to be the perfect companion to massage therapy and received my clinical certification in 1996. Hypnotherapy started me on my spiritual path of self discovery and for that I am forever grateful.

    I completed my training in Usui Reiki (2011) and received my Reiki Master Teacher certification. The healing energy of Reiki is rooted in deep tradition and I am honored to be part of this ancient lineage.

    I am grateful to have the opportunity to share what I have learned and a few years ago, I was part of the Carrington College faculty. Being an instructor allowed me to create and implement curriculum that raised the level of competency for my students.

    It was pure joy teaching the art and theory of modern massage therapy.

    I also am blessed to be a teacher of meditation and clairvoyant fundamentals.

    I have had the privilege to study with some of our greatest healing mentors and I am inspired by the work of Carolyn Myss, Louise Hay, Debbie Ford and Pema Chodron. I am grateful to these women for their wisdom and guidance.