Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jin Shin Jyutsu physio-philosophy is an art that balances the life energy of the body.
When the body's energy is in balance it promotes optimal health and well being and facilitates our own profound healing. It is a valuable compliment to conventional healing methods, inducing relaxation and reducing the effects of stress.
Jin Shin Jyutsu employs twenty-six "safety energy locks" along energy pathways (meridians) that feed life into our bodies. When one or more of the paths become blocked, the resulting stagnation can disrupt the local area and eventually disharmonize the complete path of energy flow. Holding a combination of energy locks can support balance to mind, body and spirit.
Jin Shin Jyutsu can be applied as self help and also by a trained practitioner. It is a gentle art, practiced by placing the finger-tips (over clothing) on designated safety energy locks, to harmonize and restore the energy flow.
You may be addressing existing stress or health disharmonies, or wanting to actively participate in maintaining health, harmony and well being. The Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu is a profoundly simple and powerful tool to support your healing journey.